Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8 Read online

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  Making my way through the back door, I see a few guys dragging Heather towards the exit. Reaching for my guns, I am too slow and take a shot to the chest causing me to black out shortly after the bullet breaks the skin.

  ~Chapter 28


  I must’ve passed out in the back of the truck because I am woken up when I hear motorcycles pulling into the lot. Crawling outta the truck after I hear them, I make my way towards The Dungeon. Only after I am through the back door do I notice Emmanuel with a woman leaning over him. Moving up closer to him, I see the blood-stained shirt he had been wearing off to the side.

  The pounding of my heart jumps to my throat as I make my way towards him. Seeing the nurse pulling a needle and thread through his chest, I look down and see his eyes open wide. The grimace of pain that shoots through him as the next stitch gets pulled through is short lived, when he looks up into my eyes.

  “My Peach, you should not be in here, we are not sure if it’s safe yet.” Reaching a hand to his face, I slowly stroke down over his graying beard.

  “There is nowhere else I could be.” Trying to lighten the mood I add, “You took my car away anyway, Papi.”

  The grunted out laugh leads to a fit of coughing and I think better of what I say. “You are my life Emmanuel and I will be here with you, fighting next to you if need be.”

  Leaning down, I place a kiss on his check before resting my head against his good shoulder when the nurse has finished with the stitches. Giving us a few brief instructions for Emmanuel’s healing, the nurse makes her way out. Gathering our stuff, I know that heading home to rest is the furthest thing from either of our minds, so we head to the clubhouse. Speaking briefly with a few of the brothers, Shadow lets me know that they have already gotten the information that I could have provided them and I am not needed. Spending only about another hour at the clubhouse, I try to make myself useful and help some of the ol’ ladies get snacks and sandwiches together for the men that will be up hunting down those sick fucks that took Heather.

  Finding Shadow after finishing up, I see the look of exhaustion on his face. “Papi, do you wanna head home? I’m tired so I can only guess that with you being shot and all you are probably nearing the same level as me.”

  Looking around, Prez is quick to answer for Shadow, “Good idea, little treasure. Why don’t you and Shadow head back to your place to catch a few hours? We will be at this until well into the morning, and you two can join us back at it then.”

  Nodding towards him, we slowly make our way to the door. Just as we are getting into the truck Shadow’s cell phone starts to ring. Thinking little of it I get him into the truck and then head around to the driver’s side. Climbing into the truck, I fire it up before realizing that Emmanuel is still on the phone. Pausing a brief moment, I hear Pearl’s name and turn quickly to him. Listening to the rest of the conversation, I find out that Pearl has gone after Niki and left her in a delicate state getting what information on a location that she could by taking some aggression out.

  Before he has even disconnected the call, I have the truck pointed in a different direction and I know that we are going to take care of the woman that led me into the fire. A woman that not only I, but my Papi thought could be trusted. We were both so wrong.

  Pulling up outside of her place, Emmanuel had instructed me to park a little bit further down the road, not wanting anyone to recognize the truck. Sitting inside the truck for a moment after cutting the engine, I look towards Emmanuel and see that he is passed out. The blood stain on his chest is growing ever so slightly. Knowing that I can handle this shit on my own, I leave him to rest, and head inside to take care of this.

  With each step I take towards Niki, I feel more confident about what I will do. Finding her in such poor shape does nothing to deter my thoughts of ending this bitch’s life. She gave me to Zack, and he along with those Demon Riders used my body like most all the seven had done. Shoving open her front door with my hip, after turning the knob. I find her sitting at the table in the kitchen, bloody and bruised. Knowing that Pearl is one tough cookie, I am surprised that she has left this woman alive. Only to realize that Pearl did it on purpose, she wanted to give me the chance to take out on Niki some of what she took from me.

  Not wanting to really deal with the situation, I am not sure how to handle it. I want to end her for what she has done to me, but I find myself lacking in the knowledge of how to do that. Moving around the house, I notice the door creaking only as I am feeling arms wrap around me.

  “My Peach, you weren’t thinking of taking care of her, were you? That is something that I couldn’t let you have on your conscious and you well know that. Please head back out to the truck, there is a prospect waiting in the other room to take you down.” Pulling me close he presses his lips to mine, “I love you little girl. No matter what was done to you, I will always love you. Now get gone so I can deal with this thing here.”

  Moving to the door, I hear screeching and stop in my tracks for only a moment. When the noise starts to quiet down, my legs start to move again knowing he has killed for me again.

  Being in the truck no more than ten minutes, I know she is no more when he returns. There is more blood on his shirt and his hands look a little worse for the wear. As he climbs into the truck, I notice the prospect and another man head into the house.

  “Let’s go get some rests, my Peach. We will need to be back at the clubhouse in the morning.” Reaching for my hand across the seat, he interlocks our fingers, squeezing tight. “I know that we need to talk about what went down yesterday, and believe you me I will find out every detail- know that I love you.” Pulling a small square box outta the glove box, I let out a loud gasp as he repeats. “I love you, my Peach. Nothing will ever be able to rip us apart, and if you’ll do me the honor of becoming not only my ol’ lady and little girl, but of becoming my wife I wouldn’t be happier.”

  Nodding my head in answer, I can’t help but jump across the truck bench throwing myself into his lap with little regard to his wound. The wince that shoots outta his mouth, however, reminds me that I should have been a lot gentler and maybe I should not be having the thoughts that I am.

  Thoughts of my Papi’s balls deep inside of me. Fucking me into the bed, for hours on end. My Papi using every inch of my body to ring his pleasure from it. The man that I love, that I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with.

  ~Chapter 29


  Getting shot by those stupid fucks is something that has me feeling a little lost. I have never failed to take care of a situation like I did that day. My shoulder heals nicely taking close to two months to feel somewhat back to normal. My Peach, however, takes a little bit longer. She is back at her therapists twice a week, and having some nightmares that even I can’t predict or control.

  We have only recently started to come back to The Dungeon and my little girl does perform a good show. I have lent her out to Blaze and Tank to help Pearl with some of her practice. And I think that now is as good of a time as any to mentor the guy that Gun bothered me about not so long ago. A young man that has been coming into the club for months, Nick is his name, and from what I have learned he has his heart set on a woman named Alexandrea. Nick has only recently discovered this life, but sees this way of life as a non-option, now that he has been experiencing a little more of it.

  The months start to fly by. Peach and I are going on ten months of working with Nick before we meet his lady for the first time. I know in the moment I see the way that they are with each other, the attraction that screams from both of them, they are meant to be together. It is much like the way it was when my Peach and I first met each other. I wonder what the road has in store for them.

  With our wedding set for six short months from now, so many years after we met for the first time. Rebecca has been busy with the other ol’ ladies planning away. I let her know she didn’t have a budget and I didn’t care about any of the details as long as at the end o
f the day she was mine.

  She has also been busy caring for the baby that we are expecting. Finding out a while after the shit show went down with the Demon Riders that we were to be parents. We could have been more careful, but as I have told her from the beginning whatever Papi’s little girl wants she will get. A house full of kids is one of those things.

  Knowing that Lilly still weighs heavily on her mind, I thought when we found out we would be having a little girl that it would be tough for her. It has proven to be good, seeing the joy in my Peach’s face as she prepares for our baby is something special for us to share.

  Those feelings are nothing compared to the call I get two weeks before our wedding. The call from Pollack telling me that they have been looking into the books of number two. They have been following each and every lead to track down all of the women and children that sick fuck came in contact with. All the woman and children in that fucking log book.

  I thank him for calling and listen to him ramble on about woman after woman. How they have found them, freed them, and set them up in some sort of life. Making a mental note to get some of the brothers together to help out with expenses. Thanking him yet again, I start to get annoyed at the anxiety I hear in his voice.

  “Pollack, whatever it is just fucking tell me, so I can get off this fucking phone.”

  Looking towards my Peach, who is curling up in a chair across the room from me, rubbing a lazy hand over her expanding belly.

  I drop the phone at the next words outta his mouth. “I don’t know how to tell you, Shadow. We found Lilly and have her here with us.”

  And with that our lives have just become whole.


  Or is it???

  Thanks for reading. Hope you have enjoyed the men and women of the Devil’s Iron MC as much as I have enjoyed telling their stories.

  Speaking of, you might be asking what’s coming from G-

  Coming soon to a kindle near you….

  Twisted Fates, the 2nd story in the Fates Reborn series-coming in late June or early July.

  Pollack, which will be the first book in the Knights MC series- coming in August if we are lucky

  After that- a special treat--- excerpt to follow

  ?? Enjoy

  Sons and Daughters of the Devil’s Iron MC


  The first years of my life are something that I hate thinking about. Sometimes my mind has different thoughts though and I can think of little else. The earliest memories that I have are not ones I am fond of, and there are only a few things I find that can keep them at bay.

  The thought of him has always been one of the things that could calm me. Thoughts of him are all they are though, the little boy who would play with me, and bring me little trinkets and flowers when I first came back to be with Mom and Dad.


  I have known since I was little, that the Devil’s Iron MC would be mine one day. Marcus and Abraham have showed me everything that it is to be a man in the world and a brother and soon a leader in this club. They have even been the ones to help guide my more deviant behaviors.

  Something they couldn’t have prepared me for was the situation I find myself in. The scared little girl that I met when I was just six years old, is the woman that has me tied in knots now. Twenty years later seeing her again, I have no doubt she will be mine. Convincing her along with our families of that is a whole other problem.